Questions about town and parish councils
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+1 vote
by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
No. The minimum requirement is a list of the names of the Councillors, identifying the Chair (and Vice-Chair if appointed) and indicating which committees and sub-committees they sit on (if any). Anything above and beyond that is optional.
by (60.6k points)
We have been told different by our clerk, but we are in Wales so maybe different legislation? We have been told that we must also put one method of contact. It can be an email address, a phone number or even an address.
0 votes
Hi, no it doesn't matter what part of the UK you are in. There is no legal call for a Cllr to have a photograph on the website. Some Councillors may not want to have their individual photograph on so it may be worth asking if a full council photo would be preferred.
by (5.4k points)

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