Questions about town and parish councils
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Due to Coved 19 a number of local residents wished to contact the Parish Councillors.

On the Council Website a large number of telephone numbers were missing.

What should be the minimum amount of information shown for Publicly Elected officials?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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The minimum information for councillors to be displayed would be their name only with any correspondence being addressed to the parish office.

That clearly is not satisfactory but it is down to the councillors to decide what contact information is shown as they also have a right to privacy.

All our councillors have a council email address and I encourage them to include their mobile number and home address on our website but that it a decision for them to make and agree to.
by (25.6k points)
I believe all Parish Councillors should offer a secure way for Parishioners to contact them in confidence

If Councillors don’t want their details in the public domain don’t stand for election

In my PC correspondence addressed to me was opened by the Clerk and none of my fellow Councillors thought there was anything wrong with that
So I now refuse to even have a PC email address
If correspondence is marked private and confidential it should not be opened by the Clerk or anyone except the addressee.  That applies to any business and dealing with post.
The issue of having a PC email address is when dealing with FOI requests - if you don't then your personal account can be accessed and private information viewed.

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