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Thanks for the answer which add somewhat to the fog of war. It is my understanding that a parish meeting has to be held between the 1st March and 1st June every year and this is a legal requirement that the PC must carry out, NOT being a parish council meeting but a meeting of parishioners at which the parish council can be held accountable for their actions and performance. As stated a parish meeting (over and above the required annual requirement ) can be called providing the required number of electorate of the parish request it  and the PC must ensure it is held including the cost of venue, advertising etc.

As stated I can find no other legal requirement attached to a  parish meeting that would preclude one being held online.and would be happy to be guided to it.

The question is of course what happens if  the PC have not held an annual meeting by 1st June?
related to an answer for: Virtual meetings
by (29.4k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The 1972 Act sets out the procedure for conducting an annual meeting of parishioners, which requires all those involved in the meeting to be present in person. The 2020 Regulations relax the "in person" element specifically for local authorities, their executives, committees and sub-committees, but not for annual meetings of parishioners. For this reason, the provisions of the 1972 Act still apply.
by (60.1k points)
0 votes
It does have to be called between 1st March and 1st June but there is no legislation that specifically states that the parish council MUST call it.  It can also be called by 2 councillors or 6 electors.  So if the parish council decide not to call it, then the individuals must step up to the mark and arrange it.

The annual meeting is not a meeting of the parish council.  It is a meeting of the parishioners which is normally facilitated by the parish council, but it doesn't have to be.  There is no legal requirement for councillors to even attend as they are not summonsed to this meeting (unlike all full council, committee and sub-committee meetings)

As I have mentioned before, I would encourage anybody with an issue with the parish council to raise the matter at full council meetings rather than wait to the annual parish meeting because it is better to deal with things promptly.
by (25.6k points)

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