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0 votes
the parish council has a limited number of allotment plots and a very long waiting list. Sadly, on of the plot holders has recently passed away and his widow would very much like to take of the tenancy of the plot. My initial view is that she would have to join the waiting list in fairness to others - is this the right approach ??

Many thanks.
by (320 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The issue of succession isn't usually included in an allotment agreement, so unless you have an agreed policy on this, you'll have to bite the bullet and decide. Rock and a hard place.
by (58.5k points)
0 votes
We have in place a 'permission' that lasts until the annual tenancy ends, in our case 1st January each year.
This is to allow the original holders family to benefit from what has/is being already sown/grown on the condition that the family actively maintain the plot.

After that, back of the waiting list, I'm afraid.
by (2.2k points)

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