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I've tried in vain to post the opportunity we have for contractors to tender for our grass cutting and Christmas  lights contracts but I can't seem to get past the screen giving information for contractors?
by (2.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Have you tried the User Guide?  It goes through the stages in what appears to be quite a straightforward manner, although I've never actually posted anything.  Google "contracts finder user guide" if you haven't found it.  Seems odd that they don't link to it from the Contracts Finder webpage.
by (60.1k points)
The user guide seems to be all about suppliers and what they need to do to search the website for tendering opportunities.
Have a look at page 7 onwards, in particular the items relating to creating Opportunities. In order to publish the Opportunity, you will need to register, wait for the confirmation email then click on the link to sign in.

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