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Section 225 of the LPA 1972 refers to 'a document of any description […] pursuant to the standing orders of either House of Parliament or to any enactment or instrument […]'

I would be most grateful if anyone could define ‘a document of any description’.  Could these documents also relate to the background papers which are considered before a decision is made?

Any advice would be most welcome.

Thank you.


by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
I think that part of the act refers to the council holding legal documents such as leases or grants or titles or deeds and not background papers for meetings.  The requirement is that they are held for safekeeping by the council if instructed by the government and made available for public view if required.
by (25.4k points)
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Thanks MrsAbster.
+1 vote
I think it is a slightly verbose way of saying that any documents  (including E mails) passed to the chair or Clerk) must dealt  with in accordance with existing legislation that applies to said document.. So for example if the Clerk  receives a FOI request, they must deal with in in accordance with the FOI Act 2000, and not hold on to it and do nothing.  Or if an invoice for payment is received it should be presented fo payment authorisation rather then being stuffed in a drawer and ignored.
by (35.8k points)
Thanks Graeme_r.

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