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We are told that the GPoC entitles a parish Council to do whatever an individual can do as long as it complies with existing laws.  Does that negate the need to quote the specific power under which it is proposing to act?
by (2.1k points)

1 Answer

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I'm not a GPoC expert, but as far as I am aware, there is no requirement for any council to quote the specific power under which decisions are made. I'm aware that many do and it is certainly good practice. However this seems to be a local decision rather than one specified by statute.
by (60.1k points)
The only exception to the above is sums awarded under Section 137, for which there is a financial limit, so these should be recorded separately.
If you have GPoC you can't use s137 powers.  GPoC is the power of first resort and s137 is the power of last resort if you don't have GPoC...
As I understand it that the GPC allows a council spend money just like any individual can and presumably without limit

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