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It has been suggested that a regular arrangement be made for committee meetings to be followed by an informal discussion about future objectives and agenda items  because one of our member has complained that there isn't sufficient opportunity to properly discuss item before they are determined.

We alway prepare written reports that give a full background for the decision before members and make clear recommendations for a course of action.
by (2.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Why can't the future objectives and agenda items be an agenda item after the main business of the meeting? One of my parish councils has this as a standing item on every agenda, usually the penultimate item, allowing members to suggest items for the next meeting. No debate is permitted, but they are allowed to explain why they think something is worthy of more in depth consideration. This gives all members an opportunity to consider and consult before a formal discussion takes place.
by (58.4k points)
Why didn't I think of that? I suppose I was keen not to allow Any Other Business to creep onto the agenda but this is a good solution.  Thanks
Ah the dreaded AOB! When I joined my parish council in 2013 (as a member, not a clerk), 90% of business was conducted under AOB. There were no rules. Anybody could propose anything. How times have changed.

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