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If a Member’s partner applied for and was consequently appointed the position of Clerk at the same Parish Council, would the employment of the Member’s partner, as Clerk, become a disclosable pecuniary interest for that Member, and require notification?

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you

by (4.3k points)
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1 Answer

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I would say initially, that the arrangement is far from ideal, unless the Clerk is doing the job for free.

I think it would have to be added to the register of interests as you are required to include information on your spouse or partner on the forms but apart from staffing, salary discussion or disciplinary/grievance matters, I am not sure when they would have to declare an interest.
by (25.4k points)
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In my own parish, the husband of our long-standing Clerk has recently joined the Council. He has provided details on his register of interests and, as you suggest, he can't participate in any discussion regarding her employment, but apart from this, it hasn't been an issue for us.
Many thanks for your advice MrsAbster and DtC.

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