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I've noticed our clerk has stopped recording in the minutes the names of councillors who propose and second motions, minutes and accounts and wondered if this was correct. I believe this is done as the clerk copies and pastes information from the previous minutes and removing names makes this easier.

Wanted to get my fact right before bringing it up as every time I question anything I face a backlash of the other councillors
by (640 points)

3 Answers

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Our clerk is very careful to record the names of proposer & seconder, but I am not sure if there is any legal requirement to do so. (Its generally the same few councillors who do the proposing & seconding anyway - gets their names in lights!).

Surely what matters is that the decision is recorded. In any event the minutes can be challenged when they are up for approval at the next meeting. After that you are stuck with the result.
Have you tried talking to the clerk privately about this? I often chat with our clerk over a cup of coffee and ask questions and she is always willing to explain.

You could ask for an agenda item to discuss recording of names, then it will be decided by the council as a whole, which might solve your problem.
by (5.3k points)
0 votes
I believe you need a proposer but not a seconder.  The recording of the proposer in the minutes is not necessary but the decision has to be recorded including any split votes.  Minutes are for decision making and not for the discussions leading up to the decision.
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
I've often wondered about this, as there doesn't appear to be any legislative requirement. Amongst my councils, some do and others don't and I conform to their wishes.

To add to the confusion, I note that the governance toolkit on Ask Your Council offers the following:-

"It is not normally necessary to note the name of the member moving and seconding a motion in the minutes or the fact that a vote was taken (unless a recorded vote is requested)."


"Where Standing Orders provide for the submission by notice of formal written motions to a council meeting, it is appropriate to record the names of the Councillors proposing and seconding the motion in the minutes."

Bearing in mind the fact that the model standing orders provide for the the submission by notice of formal written motions, are we advised to differentiate between the two?
by (57.9k points)

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