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Hi all, My question is can the clerk tell the councillors that he/she is going to email the agenda and minutes to them in future? Also is the clerk able to even suggest this to the council and is it ok to get them in this way?
by (530 points)

1 Answer

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It is now legal for agendas to be circulated by e-mail, however, as far as I am aware, councillors must decide for themselves whether or not they wish to receive them in this way. I'll try to find the exact wording.

If you're using the current model standing orders, they include an opt-in clause:

a          The Proper Officer shall:

i.           at least three clear days before a meeting of the council, a committee or a sub-committee,

serve on councillors by delivery or post at their residences or by email authenticated in such manner as the Proper Officer thinks fit, a signed summons confirming the time, place and the agenda (provided the councillor has consented to service by email)

by (57.9k points)
So forgive my ignorance but are you saying that a councillor can opt-out of receiving them by email and continue receiving them in paper form?
It's actually the other way around. A councillor must opt into receiving the agenda by email. The default remains a paper copy.
Ok thank you for clarifying that for me, I looked at the model standing orders that we use and they do have a clause in them. I’m so grateful for the advice that you’ve given. Once again thank you.

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