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Could I seek some comment on the relationship if any between Ward Councillors and Parish Councils? I know from the previous Council that the then Councillors were extremely unhappy that one Ward Councillor never attended any PC meetings (they were not a PC Councillor). We now have two Ward Councillors who are both also PC  Councillors. However, whenever I write to either of these individuals (as a resident)  they never reply. So, my question is, is there any official or unofficial contract which defines the relationship between a Ward Councillor and their PCs/residents. Also are Ward Councillors also subject the Customer Charter which a District Council operates regarding timescales relating to enquiries.? Also are there any remedies should the PC or residents be unhappy with the service provided ?

by (5.3k points)

1 Answer

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I don't think there are any prescribed legislative requirements for the relationship between a Principal Authority Cllr and a Parish or Town Council.  I suspect that the customer charter effectively applies to the whole Council, which in reality means Principal Authority officers.The charter or equivalent document should outline the process for raising dis satisfaction with the service provided.
by (35.8k points)
Google ‘duel hatted Councillors’ and you should find some interesting items. Personally I found that District Councillors lack the grass roots knowledge in regard to legislation and policies as the majority of preparation is done for them. As for not replying, Town and Parish Councillors are just as bad. If appropriate use Public Participation, written or oral or a FOI through a national platform.
I am very lucky with the district and county councillors in my area. They are a key element in the partnership between the three tiers of authority. A number of our district and county councillors progressed from the parishes and towns to those positions, so they have a clear understanding of what happens at a local level. We always have district and county representation at our parish council meetings and they also attend community events such as coffee mornings to enable members of the public to raise issues and concerns. They all advertise their mobile phone numbers in all of our parish newsletters to make it easier for people to make contact. When issues are raised, they follow them up and provide timely responses.

In our area, there is competition for nomination for seats on the district and county councils in the ruling party, so any councillor seen to be underperforming will face a challenge to appear on the ballot paper next time around.
Since I wrote this thread both our Ward Councillors have resigned as Parish Councillors but do attend PC meetings .  They do appear to fully participate in debate and voting ie without invite form the chair.  Do they not attend on the same basis as the public ie they cannot speak or vote unless asked

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