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My Council has nine Councillors and seven of them are also trustees of the tennis club.  They are all one party and the others are independent (1) and an opposition party (1).  Clearly, meetings could not discuss the tennis club unless there were dispensations (quorum is 3).  Despite some grumbling the dispensations were put in place until the date of the next ordinary election.

However, recent resignations and a by-election have changed the numbers to Administration (5), independent (3), Opposition (1).  If the tennis Cllrs were to seek dispensations now they would not be necessary (we have 4 non-conflicted Cllrs).  So, can my Council resolve to remove the dispensations?  If so, under what power because all I can see in the Localism Act 2011 relating to the length of dispensation is S33(3) which says up to 4 years or a shorter specified period?  I cannot find a prevision anywhere to terminate a dispensation early or for the Council to reverse the decision.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What  are the dispensations?  To hold non quorate meetings? To allow non trustee members to discuss the tennis club? Please clarify!
by (35.8k points)
The dispensations were to allow those who are trustees to take part in discussions and votes on the tennis club.  There is no financial or personal interest.
Who granted the dispensations? Your council or your principal authority (district etc)?
Doesn't this come under standing orders?
If the dispensation was a simple resolution of the Parish Council, the PC can use the powers contained in the standing orders to reverse a previous decision.

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