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Should special motions be voted on and discussed?

Weve had 2 put forwards and only been on the council since May.
Previous one just went ahead, no vote no discussion. I had never encountered one before but this time I want to be prepared. I'm prepared to use a point of order.
I am of the view, that we should be able to honour a previous decision made and there hasn't been any change in information. Nor was there before for that matter.
I just feel it's being abused to put it frankly and don't want I just to be agreed without a discussion.
Thank you
by (4.6k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
All motions should be discussed and voted on. A motion cannot be adopted without the clearly indicated support of at least half of those present.
by (57.9k points)
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+1 vote
I’ve never heard of a Special Motion which sounds like a way to reverse a previous motion, my Parish Council does that but there are strict rules about it

You can raise a point of order but you first need to study the Standing Orders first to see what they say
by (12.7k points)

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