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Anyone taking on a new role will probably benefit from mentoring or training. Councillors, especially those who have not served before, should receive training, but is there a stipulation anywhere that this must be undertaken within 6 months of taking office?

If so, and a councillor declines training, what sanction can be imposed?

What is the position of councillors who are newly elected or re-elected who have also been trained recently?
by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There is no requirement whatsoever for councillors or clerks to undertake training. In my experience of small rural councils, nobody attends training sessions. It's not ideal, but that's the current position. As a clerk (untrained), I try to provide mentoring, not only to newly-elected councillors, but also to those who have served for 20 years or more, but it is seldom well received.
by (58.5k points)
I agree with DavetheClerk on this.  There is no compulsory training requirement and I think there should be.  That said, if you were to insist that councillors undertake training, it might deter those working full time who would need to take holiday, from even considering standing.  I know that there is a legal obligation for employers to allow employees time off for civic duties but that doesn't mean that they will be paid for their involvement.

Maybe NALC should introduce webinars or online presentations to address this that can be viewed in their own time...
0 votes
There is no requirement but it would always help if someone who has never been on a committee before to gain  a bit of insight into how meetings are run. Most people want to do a bit of training. Usually it is just a two hour course. The most important thing to understand is the 'standing orders'. This isn't a bank transaction. It is the way meetings are conducted, for example who and when they can speak to avoid a free for all.
by (300 points)

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