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Wishing to attend a Sub Committee meeting (Public) can an elected member of the Town Council, ( Not on That Sub Committee) be asked to  leave if Item on the agenda is to be "Taken in Camara" or is any and all Elected Members attend, any and all meetings as an observer  with no Voting rights.
by (340 points)

1 Answer

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I believe that any councillor not on the committee is attending in the same way as a member of the public would and therefore could be asked to leave if the meeting is closed to the public.
Closing the meeting to the public is only legitimate on a few grounds and you don't mention what the committee is.  If it was a personnel committee, the councillor not on the committee would not be allowed to remain if the Clerk's wages, performance or personal matters were being discussed for example.

If the meeting was by the finance committee who were examining a lease for a property with delegated powers from the council to do so, then it would seem appropriate for the councillor not on the committee to be allowed to remain (but it is not their right to remain).
The argument could be made that if the item is contentious for the whole council, then the matter should be discussed at Full Council but in private when all councillors would remain.

More details required to get a finite answer, Im afraid!
by (25.4k points)
The detail is (as of Jan2020). the discussion is about agreeing to  spend 60K on a refurbishment of a Town Council owned Function room ( large). 5 councillors from a 15 will decide  to go ahead with the  Suggested contractors  A,B or C so 2/3 of the council will not be involved. Is it not  the case that Councillors should be fully informed what is being agreed in there name !!!! and 60K  is 12.5% of the total budget of the Town Council.... The  5 position committee is  Land and Properties.

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