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I am somewhat confused as to the wording of minutes on occasion; for example is there a legal difference between agreed and resolved? Is there book or online information which explains how to take minutes?
by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
As there is no legal requirement for minutes a lot of Parish Councils keep them vague to give plenty of wiggle room

It is considered sufficient to just record the items resolved even though this means there is no audit trail so if the council makes a decision based on incorrect information there’s no record

By mistake my own Council published different minutes on their website  than the ones agreed so you could see how the original draft was manipulated
Even if meetings are recorded if the motions passed are vague the same applies

I believe there should be  a standard but there’s little chance of that, what would I like

All meetings recorded even if ( or maybe especially if ! ) the public is excluded

All votes recorded showing who voted for and against

Motions clear and read out before the vote
by (13.0k points)
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The minutes should say "Resolved".  "Agreed" is too vague, as it could refer to simply a concensus of views or a statement of intention..
by (35.8k points)

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