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Can Parish Councils merge with a neighbouring PC? Our County council split a few years ago. We are in the East of the county and our neighbouring PC in the west. Since the split the County Councils of east and west provide shared services due to boundaries etc. Does anyone have any experience of merging? Any opinions welcome. This would be good for both parishes to work as they are both rural and relatively low populations. TIA Helen
by (1.7k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There is a grouping arrangement that you can go into, but I am not sure if can cross district boundaries (would need to check).

I haven't experience of it, but there is a full set of legislation in place for it. But a merger (e.g. a governance review) would be much more difficult, if not impossible, due to being in different districts.
by (9.0k points)
0 votes

A merger would have to arise from an order from a Principal Authority.  Such an order would need to be the agreed action arising from a governance review by a Principal Authority.  I am not sure what you mean about a County Council "splitting"  

It would be helpful if you could clarify what you mean by that.  Or quote the name of the County that has "split".    It did occur to me that Cheshire County you may be referring to Cheshire County Council which officially dissolved on 31 March 2009, when it and its districts were superseded by two unitary authorities; Cheshire West & Chester and Cheshire East.

If you are in that position I think it may be possible in theory but both Principal Councils would have to agree and produce an joint order, and decide which of them would preside over the new parish.  In practice I suspect they wouldn't be keen.

by (35.8k points)
Thank you. Yes it is the County of Cheshire I am referring too. I am aware of the problems but looking to show the benefits of a merger. Thanks again

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