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We're about to undertake a Strategic Review to better understand how we should prioritise the way in which we spend our precept. How might we best categorise the community groups we serve? We're leaning towards family formation e.g single unmarried. young married, married (children by age groups) and so on.
by (420 points)

2 Answers

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My initial though is that sounds very specific. The national census provides a useful selection of lists by which to categorise the population and this would give you the advantage of knowing the numbers in each category (albeit currently 8 years ago). Census data validates any decision to overlook a category as irrelevant to your community, for example in my parish, a population of 730 includes 8 non-white people of differing heritages, so, whilst we don't deny or ignore their role, we do not make specific provision for them.

The census provides important information about groups such as those with a long-term health condition and those who care for them. With the increasing focus on the value of combatting loneliness and isolation, these people are now key groups in strategic planning.
by (58.4k points)
0 votes

Loc Govt and other organisations often use the word Strategic because it sounds impressive but does that reflect what you are actually seeking to achieve?  Your first point should be to establish what you spend currently as stated on the budget, and then do some form of review about whether or not each spend or service is wanted by residents. If you are having a review, you need baseline data to develop a strategy that defines where you want to go and input from Local residents is vital  Just doing what you think is best could be counterproductive.. For example you might spend  lot on flower displays but do the residents want  less- or more?  I think that aspiring to cater for "family formation e.g single unmarried. young married, married (children by age groups) and so on" is encroaching into what your Principal Authority is meant to provide and it would be best to consider if what they are providing meets residents needs.  Using the precept to duplicate services would not be advisable.

by (35.8k points)

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