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Can a person work for the Unitary authority as an enforcement officer in the environment dept. Also be a Parish clerk for the local parish Council, and have the same geographical responsibility as enforcement officer for the same area they are Parish clerk?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Legally, yes. What kind of problem are you encountering or expecting to encounter. The should be a professional and be able separate their duties and responsibilities.
by (9.0k points)
Complicated this person intercepted a complaint I had lodged about a situation. I found out later they worked in the dept the complaint had been lodged and the took it upon themselves to my home to give verbal abuse. I have now found out they have become parish clerk and I am concerned they will abuse this position seeing what has happened. The council say the investigation is still ongoing 2months since I complained.
As Parish Clerk they are meant to advise and serve the Parish Cllrs and possibly be a line manager for other PC staff. What abuse of that position do you anticipate?

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