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0 votes
Hi, the Parish Council has recently finalised its 3year Strategic Plan and will be presenting it to parishioners at the Annual Parish Meeting in May, prior to public consultation. Has anyone else done this and, if so, please can I have some guidance on best practice for the public consultation process and also any potential pitfalls I need to be aware of !!

Many thanks.
by (320 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
As a bare minimum it should be published on the website and there should be notices to that effect in the usual areas where agendas etc are posted, along with the facility to view a hard copy.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
If you look at the requirements for a Regulation 14 NH Plan consultation you won't go far wrong.

Essentially, announce when its going to held, its duration and closing date. Publicise in the local press, and the usual council places. Tell the public where and how they can respond. As Graeme suggests, ensure they can get hold of a hard copy, or download one.

In the past we have had a number of late responses - so wise to give a bit of leeway on that. Closing on a Monday morning at noon will allow a weekend for people to give a response for example. Start the consultation a few days after the press announcement has been made is another example. Send a copy to all the stake holders you can think of and asking for feedback, and ensure they have a copy a few days before official start of the consultation.

Have someone you trust, and who has had very little to do with the project, to proof read the document and hopefully spot any inconsistencies.

Good luck with your plan.
by (5.3k points)

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