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by (120 points)

2 Answers

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The clerk, I think, will have to ask the Principal Authority to order a fresh election to properly constitute the Parish Council. This will be seven weeks after the scheduled election.   You won't be able to co opt with just one member being non quorate.

by (35.8k points)
0 votes
The District Council may appoint temporary members to enable the Parish Council to perform its functions in relation to filling the vacancies. (LGA 1972 S91)
by (57.9k points)
Yes that is what I thought but what happens if we cannot find any long term councillors to make it quorate do we keep the temporary members
The legislation states that the temporary councillors serve "until other councillors are elected" so, in theory, yes.  This would depend upon the wording of the resolution of the District Council.

There is an assumption within much of the legislation relating to parish councils that communities are full of people who care enough to put themselves forward for community leadership roles.  That may well have been the case in 1972, however the same may not be true as we drift through the 21st century.  All three of my parish councils, although quorate, will start the new year seeking to co-opt new members to fill the vacancies created by insufficient nominations for the forthcoming election.
I can almost predict this happening on our Council in 2021. What is the minimum we have to do as a PC? Are there certain committees which have to run? Personnel or Planning for example.
There's very little you have to do. No committees are required. You must hold an annual meeting in May and at least three other meetings each year. You must comply with the legislation around those meetings. You must have an annual meeting of electors, although that can be called by others. You must comply with financial regulations, publish accounts and have them audited. You are a statutory consultee on planning applications, but under no obligation to respond. You don't have to employ a clerk, although you must designate a person as your proper officer. You must elect a chair. You must manage the council's assets in an appropriate manner.

If you do reach the point where nobody wants to be on the council, you would need to explore the options of merging with an adjoining council or removing your council completely. The threat of a merger is often sufficient to prompt people to sign up.

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