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Hi - I am currently a trustee of a local charitable organisation (a CIO - charitable incorporated organisation) which runs the local theatre - we do not have a legal interest n the theatre as yet but may eventually a short ( up to 4 year)lease.

I have also recently been elected unopposed onto our Parish Council - who own the theatre & would be the CIO's landlord had we actually got a lease.

I appreciate I will have to declare my trusteeship in the Register of Interests but is it a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest which wiuld need a dispensation to allow participation in meetings?

Many thanks

Eleanor Hoggart
by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
The definition of a disposable pecuniary interest includes  "Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain, which you, or your spouse or civil partner, undertakes"   I would argue that being a trustee amounts to "office" as quoted above.

If you receive a salary or cash allowance, or the charitable organisation as a whole under your actions generates profit (regardless of what is done with the profit)  I would advise declaring it.
by (35.8k points)
Should the Clerk declare a interest.
+1 vote
It will only be a pecuniary interest if you (or your household) benefit financially from it.  This would include non-cash benefits, such as free tickets etc.
by (57.9k points)
0 votes
Elanor   Charities can only operate for the public benefit.  The cannot operate for profit or gain.  Hence you do not have a pecuniary interest by being a councillor and a trustee of a charity.
by (460 points)

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