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One of our parish councillors is also a parish councillor for a neighbouring area.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Simple answer: Yes.

They cannot be elected twice to the same parish (ward 1 and ward 2), but there is no restriction - and in rural areas quite common for people to be elected to two parish councils - it can help with work between the two parishes for events and fundraising.

There are 4 qualifications to be elected: Live, Work, Land, Distance, mean that you can live in 1 parish, work in another, own land in a third and live within 3 miles of the 4th parish. (as long as you have done each thing for at least the last 12 months).

I have stood in elections for 2 different parishes, both were on the Distance rule (I was 1 month short of being able to use the work rule). I live 200yds from the other parish boundary.
by (9.0k points)
"They cannot be elected twice to the same parish (ward 1 and ward 2)" can you provide a citation for this? I ask as one person has just been elected on my local council for a second time, in a different ward, in a by-election. It is my assumption they must now resign their seat for the first ward, but I cannot find any rule/source/legislation that explicitly states this, only that they cannot stand for election in two wards. Many thanks, Robert.
They cannot be elected to to two seats at the same time. They can only vote once, etc.
How has electoral services departme t allowed this?
I will check with my copy of Arnold Baker, but this is long standing.

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