Could you tell me if our Parish Council clerk has miss used my information by giving my name and address to a 3rd. party - in this case a local solicitor, please. (Without my consent )
During the last 12 months I have wrote to our Parish Council clerk on a few occasions to ask general questions which had my name and address on it.
Our small community has a local Facebook group where people can ask questions, advice, items for sale etc. I answered a query from someone who was asking about how should Parish Councillors act and I cited the "principles" that the Borough and local PC's have to conduct themselves when going about their daily life and business. I got lots of kind remarks from residents who were not aware of this, but I got quite a nasty remark made by someone in the community (who does make such comments). However, I noticed that the clerk along with a few others who are friends of this person had "liked" his derogatory remark about me.
I made a comment next to this, to the clerk, stating that I was surprised that he had "liked" such a nasty remark as people who work in Public Services should not make any biased comments at all. ( I am a lecturer in Public Services).
The clerk obviously did not like that I had very courteously pointed this out, (he had only been in the job a few months), as a couple of weeks later I got a solicitors letter saying that I had "tarnished our clients good nature". This was never my intention. Also, I was asked to apologise to him on our local facebook group page.
I am sure that he gave the solicitor my address from writing to him at the P. Council. Is this a breach of Data Protection and if so, what can I do about it.? The clerk continues to be highly strung at PC meetings and argues with frightened residents when they ask questions.
Thank you for any suggestions you may have.