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Some time ago I was able to reference these on some obscure PCs web site but now find them difficult to locate. Are these privileged NALC advice notes for the consumption of PCs only or are they/should they be publicly available ?
by (5.3k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
To  my knowledge: NALC advice notes are not openly available to Councilors. The Clerk is the focal point. The Council subscription provides that access to them. That is what we have been informed but we are aware of what the LTN contain and do ask for them and refer to them when appropriate.
by (2.6k points)
The replies associated with this Question have raised issues that need addressing. Our local policy is " Only Finance and Clerk have access to the ALC site via the annual subscription we pay. That said I (the Clerk) am happy to access the notes and send you copies if needed"  I have now formally raised the points made here..
0 votes
NALC membership is ultimately paid for out of the precept,  by the paritioners. A LTN  could constitute information held by a public body if acquired through membership. If so they should be accessible to the public via a Freedom of Information request, unless NALC can demonstrate a valid exemption.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
Surely these LTN's are available through your local ALC. All our councillors have password access to our ALC website where we can read the various reports, news, training courses etc. Ask your Clerk how to access yours.
by (5.3k points)
0 votes
I understood that ALCs are member organisations with a board made up of members making decisions for the benefit and on behalf of members.  ALCs are the conduit between NALC and 1st tier councils distributing legal updates, relevant information and offering Training based on the National Training Strategy. Look out for your invitation to the AGM, submit an Item for the agenda and attend if you can. SLCC advises Officers.
by (550 points)
I have found a website which displays all current LTNs . Whether this erroneously or not I don't know or care. If anyone wants details please PM me

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