Amendments to our Principal Authority Code of Conduct are to be debated at end February and the revised version to take effect in May 2019. There are concerns for parishes using this and use of Social Media (would this forum be affected?).
Recommended to Council:
1. That the revised Members’ Code of Conduct as set out in Appendix 1 be approved, subject to the following being included:
a. Councillors will be presumed to be acting in an official capacity in their public conduct, including statements on publically – accessible social media.
2. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make all necessary arrangements and consequent changes to the Constitution to give effect from 7 May 2019.
Resolved by the Executive Board:
3. In light of the recent report released by the Committee on Standards in Public Life on Local Government Ethical Standards, that the Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to make appropriate amendments to the proposed Code of conduct prior to its submission to full Council, following consultation with the Chairman of the Standards Committee and the Leader of the Council.
Are the changes in keeping with Localism and discourse with residents which Parish/Town Councillors enjoy.?