Yes complicated and I will try to answer the points raised in the last two answers from Grame_r and DavetheClerk. I'm sorry it will require some patience to read.
There was a village meeting in September 2017 when this was first mentioned to the public but there had been behind the scenes discussions with the interested parties Parish Council, Cricket Club, Village Hall and the landowner for some months possibly a year before the meeting where all parties where sworn to secrecy. They formed a steering group which employed an architect and obtained some pre planning advice.
It was this steering group supported by the PC that held the public meeting to outlined plans for the project which at the time was for a new community building built within the cricket field with an estimated cost of £400,000 which was to be raised by using funds from the village hall account and at the right time selling the current village hall site and getting grants/funding from as then unannounced bodies but expected to be sports England the Local authority, HS2, National Lottery and private individuals within the village. From this meeting a unofficial ballot was held by the PC (This ballot has since been called in to question by various persons and the Minister for Housing Communities and Local Government). But the ballot did show a majority in favour of this community project as presented to the village during the September 2017 meeting. The Pre planning advice received at the time that this building had a chance of gaining planning approval but could not be certain until detailed plans submitted.
At and extra PC meeting 29th January 2018 called by the PC chair on the 24th January 2018. To give approval of buying the land for the project and the PC to be guardians of the land until the new trust is set up. That in the 2018-19 budget £5,000 should be allocated to the project apparently this was agree at a previous meeting (9th Jan 2018) I have read the minutes of this meeting and there is no mention of this or in the finance report supplied at the time. During this meeting (29/1) the Chairman asked the PC to pay all reasonable legal fees for the land owner and the decision on that figure to be taken by the Chair and The Clerk all present gave their approval.
Jan 2018 in a letter was published by way of a update from the Parish council and the steering group. Stated that when the new trust is setup it will purchase the land from either the owner or direct from the PC for the price the PC paid.
PC Meeting 13th March 2018 Chairman confirms that PC now own the land
PC Meeting on the 8th May 2018 confirms the new trust has been setup
PC Meeting 13th November 2018 a request is made from the New trust for increased funds (no details appear in the minutes) but I was at the meeting and can say they asked for an increase of funding from £5,000 to £10,000 (2018-19) this year and an additional £10,000 next year. neither of which appears in the budget.
The PC has now changed its practice of publishing its draft minutes after every meeting and now only publishes agreed and signed minutes after the next meeting.
Jan 2019 there was a public meeting by the new trust to unveil its new plans which are now for a building twice the original size with a input from the PC of £20,000. They have now employed an architect and surveyor which produced new plans and the estimated building costs. The village has been asked to comment via a comments box or email to the Clerk
When the steering committee was first setup it was under the Chairmanship of the PC chairman with the Clerk acting as Secretary/Clerk
The new trust set which is now setup still has the Chairman of the PC as the PC representative and the Clerk is still its secretary/clerk
The PC have yet to hand over/sell the land
We are told the funds from the PC are to pay towards the planning process and architects fees but I cant see them ever refusing any financial request because its their best interest and their biased position.