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The crowd funding has been set up to benefit an individual diagnosed with MND.  The Parish Council wish to contribute as this person has been a proactive and valued member of the community in the past. The funds are to be used to purchase a communication system for her.  Could a donation be made under Section 137? 

by (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
No and Yes.

If the Parish doesn't have the power of general competence, then they may not give funds to a single individual (Except as a prize).

If they do, then yes you can.

But be aware of the unintended consequences of doing so, would other similar villagers with a health complaint, or villagers who have MND, but not active in the village expect similar treatment from the Parish, the basis you make the grant/gift would need to be very clear.
by (9.0k points)
0 votes
I would suggest that you encourage the Councillors to donate privately if they want to support this fund raising initiative.  You have to remember that the parish council's money is the public's money and not their own.  Dare I say, there may be residents who don't know this individual and would object to the parish council using their money to pay for the equipment.
by (25.4k points)

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