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The RFO is required to have draft budgets ready by the end of November each year at the latest.  Draft budgets are not available.  What action can be taken?
by (1.5k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Is that a specific requirement in your standing orders / financial regulations?  If so, then it would be a disciplinary matter if they are not performing their duties as required.  if they are not in your SO / FR then there is no legislative requirement for draft budgets to be ready for November only that they have to be approved before the start of the financial year on the 1st April....
by (24.8k points)
The FRs state:  "The RFO must each year, by no later than the end of November, prepare detailed estimates of all receipts and payments including the use of reserves and all sources of funding for the following financial year in the form of a budget to be considered by the Finance & Staffing Committee and the Council."
0 votes
It may be that your RFO was unaware of this line in the Finance Regs, or that he/she is experiencing some difficulty in complying.  Is there a designated member of the Council assigned to support this process?  The end of November seems very early for a completed draft budget.  This is something I normally include in January's agendas.
by (55.1k points)
I agree with DavetheClerk.  The budget should be started in November but should be an agenda item until the New Year as it is the responsibility of Councillors to suggest projects and an action plan and not the Clerk to pluck figures out of the air.  To expect a completed budget, 5 months before it is implemented is unrealistic and could miss a lot of new projects off the list for the sake of an arbitrary date.

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