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During a debate, what interventions can the Clerk make to the debate?  Does the Clerk have to take a neutral stance in the debate?
by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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It is a matter for the Chair to ask the Clerk for addvice if is needed.
by (2.6k points)
Thanks.  So the Clerk shouldn't offer an opinion without being asked?
We usually have an agenda item: Clerks Report.
Otherwise,  the Clerks position includes:
Issue notices and agendas

Prepare reports and present information to be debated.

Present details of accounts for ratification

To ensure that all meetings are minuted and accurately report.

It is the function of Councillors to formulate Proposals, debate them and vote accordingly. Not the Clerk. However: as the Proper Officer then clearly the Clerks advice is needed and welcome. I am assuming that when the Agenda is formulated (by the Clerk) the usual practice/ courtesy to consult with the Chair.
Thanks again.  I think the key word is "advice" rather than "opinion".  I think sometimes the distinction between the two gets blurred.

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