I took an interest in the PC finances and asked questions relating to spending and their not following the Financial Regulations. The response was to apply Vexacious/Habitual Complainants policy in spite of the letter saying I was asking to many questions. They limited my contact with the Clerk to once per month. When my first question was to view the Parish financial records they refused to allow me by ignoring my request. There has now been a private meeting which removes my access to the clerk completely and unusually this was announced in the draft minutes on the website. I have tried to be reasonable but they do seem to resent any questions, it is like living in a banana republic.
I have spoken to the NAO about the Local Audit and Accounntability Act 2014, their response was that they have no enforcement powers and my only recourse is to the law. Has anyone been through this or can offer any advice. My MP has written to the PC and did not even get an acknowledgemnt.