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The places were not advertised as such just put on the agenda 3 days before a Parish meeting is this lawful ? 2 persons got seats, I was interviewed but did not know I was being interviewed till i was at the meeting to talk in the public slot. I did not get a seat. Thanks Rach
by (180 points)

1 Answer

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What should have happened:

The Parish Council advertises the vacancy for co-option on the village noticeboard and ideally website. Details of your application are circulated with at least 3 days notice to councillors. (Though the full agenda should have included a section to confirm a co-option hearing).

You are interviewed, or your application is read by councillors.

Where multiple councillors are to be co-opted, the proceed in law is very clear, they must be elected by a majority (50%+1 of the councillors present, not just a plurality). e.g. 10 councillors present, 5 vote in favour, 3 against, 2 abstain, then you are not elected.

It should be done by a show of hands, unless a councillor specifically requests a secret ballot.

If councillors wanted to co-opt all three, they could have put a motion to that effect to override the voting procedure. But in order not to select you (after considering your application) required a vote. - You can ask the Parish Clerk to confirm the voting outcome.
by (9.0k points)
I've asked the parish on MY voting outcome and been told because it was closed doors they do not have to disclose it.

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