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Our Council is likely to have four candidates for co-option (we have four vacancies). My question is - after each candidate has been given the opportunity to "sell themselves" and Councillors have asked questions, can they be excluded from the meeting while the Council discusses their relative merits in private before they are all called back in for the voting (which I appreciate must be done openly)?
by (160 points)

1 Answer

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There is no legislation about how co-option is conducted - you could in theory ask your mate to become a councillor.  It is down to the council to decide the best course of action with due regard of openness / transparency / fairness.  So the council has the right to conduct the voting in private if they wish.  My parish council has a policy to follow that allows for prospective councillors to present and be asked questions and then a debate between councillors before voting on ballot papers.  The prospective councillors are then called back in but they are informed of the result by the Clerk the following working day.
by (25.6k points)

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