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Not really a question but I thought this might be of interest.

On 08/02/2018 we had a contested election as a councillor resigned and a few (10+) liked minded electors forced the election. A couple of those elector then stood and one was elected. Nothing starting in that although it's the first time I remember it happening in the whole time I've lived in the village.

The parish council were somewhat startled at the cost as it was over £2300.

Anyway, the reason for my post is I enquired with our local electoral services to find out how many contested parish council elections there had been in my village in the last 25 years. The one on 08/02/2018 was the only one. Quite when the last one was I haven't asked.

Update My local borough council has just checked back as far as their record go and prior to 08/02/2018 there has been no contested election for at least 47 years!

Does anyone else have a similar lack of contested election?

by (960 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
Your situation is not uncommon. At the last major Parish Council elections in 2015 only about 15 (out of approximately 70 wards) went to a vote of the residents. Most just had enough candidates to fill the seats (places) and were duly elected without need of a Ward poll).
I am speaking of a rural area: I do not know what the situation is elsewhere.
by (2.6k points)
Thanks John. What a dire situation!
0 votes
One thing that might emerge out of all this: do we really need so many Parish Councils? Or the other way  round is to ask what changes to the way they operate, and the interaction, with District and County, will induce more participation? The ethical standards Stakeholder review is probably the wrong forum to induce this change.

But can it anyway with the present polarised Westminster Parliament?  .
by (2.6k points)

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