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A recent debate took place in Council arguing abut the correctness (even legal) of Agenda Items marked for noting only. It is generally used when Councillors have put in reports (especially Ward Reports) which may or may not have recommendations for Councillors to consider.
The resolution agreed by Council/Councillors was as follows: It was resolved not to include reports from Councillors on agendas in the future; they will be disseminated through the Clerks weekly e-mail updates instead. Those reports that are included on the agenda will be marked for noting only, and not for discussion, unless there are clear recommendation/proposals for Council to consider.
As far as I am aware Ward activities and Reports are the bedrock of local democracy and Councillors have a perfect right to discuss them irrespective of any Recommendations made when they are submitted. Any comments please?
by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

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It doesn't seem that the Clerk is deciding that ward reports are for noting but the Council as a whole if there was a resoluton.  There is no right for ward councillors to speak at parish council meetings and if they do, it is by invitation.  Parish Council meetings can be used by some ward councillors as a promotional tool for their own gain and as such can talk excessive periods of time. Other parish councils don't get to see their ward councillors from one meeting to the next.
by (25.4k points)
Thanks for your comments. However the issue and need for Councillors to be able to represent their Wards effectively are contained within guidelines (including LGA). This states that a Councillors primary role is to represent their Wards and the people who live in it. At the moment only one or two Councillors write Ward Reports but I agree there is a problem if many others did it. I have written a paper to go to Council asking for the means to be given  for Councillors to meet their requirements effectively (through IT, median Full Council). Note: the original recommendation not to discuss was broken within two weeks when a report was discussed that did not meet the requirements. Whether or not Party Politics or other concerns  played a part one can only guess. Thanks again for your advice.

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