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Our Council has a diligent Clerk/RFO who arranges leave so that his job doesn't need cover. Unfortunately the Clerk has been taken ill and a temp has had to be recruited in the interim as work was stacking up. This has opened a can of worms and not all is as it should be, there are rumours flying around but everything is being dealt with as confidential by a special committee. The latest is that the Clerk is seeking early retirement but a member of the public wants to involve the Police.  If the Clerk was to retire with a 'Golden Handshake' and if there are serious matters uncovered could the Council still seek redress, obviously at an affordable cost? I understand that the APC tend to focus on Officer support and mentoring rather than Member tailored advice.  Many thanks in anticipation.
by (480 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Can I suggest that you speak to your insurance company with regards to this as parish councils are required to have Fidelity Guarantee cover which protects the parish council against theft / fraud or other matters relating to employees.  They should be able to advise on the best course of action.

If there is a case to answer, they will advise on contacting the police etc as they would be the company paying out in the end.
by (25.4k points)

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