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0 votes
I have been given estimates of next year's budget, I have asked questions about items which concern me for example what does 'staff gratuities' mean as there is nearly £20,000, asking for clarification about reserves. I have received no answers, I have asked for training on the accounts to no avail even though this was offered .... What can I do?

 It will end with my voting against the new budget because it has not been explained or my questions answered and having my minor protest minuted. Unless you can advise me as to how to get more information please.

Many thanks in advance for your advise.
by (2.3k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You should be given training if you have requested it and training should be on the budget, or there should be in house training and all questions should be answered to your satisfaction. Councillors are responsible and accountable for the budget so you are within your rights to question everything that you are not sure about. Kath
by (420 points)
But what if none of this is forth coming Kath? Like other PC's there is a 'group' who like secrecy despite the Nolan principles. I have pretty much decided that I will not vote for the Budget and will ask for my reason to be minuted. I know it seems very obstructive, but I really cannot vote when I have not had my questions answered.
You are absolutely right there are groups like this on many Town Councils, usually they have the political majority, but this is no excuse, you are as responsible and accountable as they are. When the vote is taken on budget you must ask for a named vote so that the community can see you did not agree to it. If you have an internal auditor you are within your rights to ask him any questions you have. Kath
Many thanks for your advise.

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