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One of our PC's has missed 3 meeting out of 8 since he came aboard. He has had family losses and problems; which we all have.

The chairman has said he will tell him he has to attend!!

Can the chair do this?

Is there not some compassion that can be shown?  Is it fair to push the gentleman when he is having problems?

He does put his apologies in
by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The rule here is being absent for all meetings during a six month period (irrespective of how many or few meetings missed), without giving a reason accepted by the council will result in the councillor's seat falling vacant. The notice of a meeting is actually a summons requiring each member to attend. The Chair has no capacity to add to that.

The commonsense approach might be for the council to approve this member's absence in advance so as not to trigger the six month rule.
by (3.9k points)
Thank you for the reply.
So really the chair has no authority to 'insist' he attends?

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