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The parish council in question did not convene a meeting legally. At the meeting a resolution was passed and acted upon. On using the complaints procedure the council apologised, stated it would not happen again and thanked the person for bringing it to their attention but has taken no further action. The Local Government Ombudsman does not deal with Parish Council complaints, the local principal authority likewise state they do not deal with it. So who can one turn to to have the matter investigated and remedied?
by (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You are quite right; the Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over parish councils (although does over community councils in Wales). The principal authority's standards regime only deals with code of conduct complaints. The issue here seems to be disatisfaction with council policy and the manner in which that policy has been implemented. The former, within reason, is very much down to the council concerned and members will be accountable for it come election time. The latter can be the subject of complaint and even judicial review if someone feels strongly enough about it. Ultimately, as before, if a council has acted outside the rules it can almost always remedy that by re-making the decision within the rules. The internal complaints procedure will dictate what action should be taken in terms of apologies, etc.. Without knowing the specifics, it is difficult to offer any means forward for you on this.
by (3.9k points)

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