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My PC has a Facebook page and I am a member . Recently some of their postings have come up with the annotation "xxxx PC have limited the people who can comment  on this posting".  In other words they are banning people from putting forward arguments which might disagree with theirs".  Are they transgressing any basic democratic  principles ??
by (5.5k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Open and transparent government in action!
by (60.4k points)
0 votes
I believe it says that when you've turned off the comment section on any post.  For example if there have been issues with someone being racist or abusive to others (and not just the council) or the post is a bit of basic information sharing for which comments aren't appropriate.  No rules being broken as such.  The place to raise something formally with the council is during the public participation section of meetings.
by (23.4k points)
No this is individuals being prevented from commenting
0 votes

The "owner / administrator" of any given social media page / group has unilateral decision making over who / what may be posted there.  This is a simple reality of social media - a strength but also a vulnerability in terms of voracity and objectivity of the message being presented.

In the case of a T/P council, there is a slight difference but only as may be interpreted from policy and procedure of that council.

To examine the standard Code of conduct:

2.1 You must treat others with respect

2.2  You must not treat others in a way that amounts to or which may reasonably be construed as unlawfully discriminating against them.

2.9  You must not prevent or attempt to prevent another person from gaining access to information to which that person is entitled by law.

2.11  You must not use or attempt to use your position as a Member of the Council improperly to confer on or to secure for yourself or any other person an advantage or disadvantage.

2.12  You must when using or authorising the use by others of the resources of the Council:

(i)  act in accordance with the reasonable requirements of the Council;

(ii)  ensure that such resources are not used improperly for political purposes (including party political purposes); and

(iii)  have regard to any statutory or other requirements relating to local authority publicity

2.14  You must give reasons for all decisions in accordance with any statutory requirements and any reasonable additional requirements imposed by the Council.

Is it disrespectful (2.1) to "ban" an individual without a motion of the council following a social media policy?

Is there a social media policy which empowers named individuals as admin for social media?  If not, on what authority is a unilateral sanction imposed?  Is there a 'discrimination' against a listed category (2.2) - impaired mobility prevented attendance at a council meeting for example?  Is it a 'write' only restriction or is it 'read' and 'write?'  Is it a 'council' sanction or that of an individual Cllr (2.11)?  Is it a 'political' sanction (2.12 (ii))?  Has there been a communication of the reason for the decision (2.14)?

That's the CoC elements that may be relevant, there could also be policy in regard to social media.

You'd have some trouble making any of that 'stick' via CoC - probably best to just start your own social media page and post what you want when you want - you can always screen shot the original content and add your own commentary at your own page...

by (27.3k points)

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