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Our Community Fridge is registered under the Parish Council and holds ring fenced funds for running the fridge. This funds are generated through grant applications and not from Parish Council funds.
Many people who benefit from the free food surplus available at the fridge have asked if they can make small cash donations via a collection box.  This would help to financially sustain the fridge covering the cost of consumables etc.  These funds would also be ring fenced.
Please can you advise if a cash collection box can be used and what, if anything, needs to be in place under Parish Council rules.  The collection box will be located alongside the fridge/food display in the community resource centre.
Thank you very much

related to an answer for: Can we accept donations?
by (130 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Section 139 of the Local Government Act 1972 permits councils to receive donations of money or property.
by (60.4k points)
Thanks very much Dave for prompt answer. I've had a look at section 139, am I right that the term property used in this section includes cash?  Best wishes Louise
Yes, many councils launch appeals for a particular purpose that has wide-ranging public support, such as defibrillators and other life-saving equipment, but the power can be used for any purpose apart from the specific exclusions mentioned therein, namely being held in trust for an ecclesiastical charity or for a charity for the relief of poverty.
Thank you very much Dave - this has resolved my query and we're using a donations box going forward. with best wishes Louise

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