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We have purchased land (business property) from previous owner after checking land regisrty.

Now the councilors wish to part of the land ( car park ) made public despite previous confirmation by legal department that ownership belongs to us.
Can they force us to make it public car park despite not signing any covenant ? agreement during issuing planning permision back in 1980's
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
If you have purchased the land for yourself and it is registered at the Land Registry and the title confirms your ownership of the land and the title does not include any covenants or mention any other rights for any third party over all or part of the land, it is unlikely that anyone can force you to do anything.
by (60.1k points)
0 votes
if you own title to this land then what has led you to believe the parish council can do this?
by (12.0k points)
In  1988 there was covenant to hand over car parking to council which council didn't sign and mentioned they were not party to it and  refused few times for previous owners.Following clearance we brought the property and no covenant attached now in land registry , but the councillor wish to go back to 1980 and force us to give out for public car parking !!
You seem to saying a) you own the land and b) there is no ‘live’ covenant in place regarding a car park.

If that is correct I fail to see a problem.

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