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Our Clerk/RFO has resigned and we are looking to replace both roles, however a member of staff has told us that due to recent changes all RFO's must be qualified chartered accountants, please can someone advise as we have been unable without a Clerk to verify this claim.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, there is no legal requirement for a RFO to be a chartered accountant.
Some councils may ask for an accountancy qualification in their job specification when recruiting a RFO or Proper Officer/RFO.
by (310 points)
Crumbs!  I can't imagine a qualified accountant working for the kind of money we pay our clerk/rfo!
It seems to vary wildly doesn't it. I see town clerk roles advertised with salaries ranging from £35k to £70k.
No the RFO does not need to be an accountant - its often the Clerk.
But - the Auditor who goes through the Parish Council accounts every year probably should be an accountant - or retired accountant!
What do you pay your clerk? Looking at the average salary of a qualified accountant it strikes me there are many town clerks getting similar, or greater remuneration.

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