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If sub-committee makes recommendations to full council and full council sits can any recommendations in the sub-commitees minutes be implemented if the minutes are still draft?
by (190 points)

2 Answers

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We probably need more information here but are you asking if the recommendation by a committee to full council can be addressed by full council before the minutes of the committee are agreed?  I would argue that yes they can (although your terms of reference may say otherwise) as any issues with the recommendation from the committee can be addressed during the discussion on the recommendation by full council.  Frankly to wait until the committee meets again would probably delay a decision but it depends upon the circumstances.
by (23.2k points)
Asking as a general point - we seem to be doing it routinely.  If there was an item that required urgent resolution I could see council proposing action to prior agreement of the minutes.
In this specific case a resolution has gone through from draft minutes which the Councillor who proposed disagrees with its recording in the draft minutes.  Unfortunately they were unable to attend the full council meeting where it happened to dispute the minutes.
0 votes
It could be argued that if it was a sub committee report then it would have been produced on the request of a committee in their investigations on a matter for council and as such would be only part of an overall investigation or fact finding and as such would only be part of what should be presented by committee to council or if delegated, to decision making of that committee . The minutes are irrelevant to council.
by (29.4k points)

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