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I'm just about to become a Town Clerk for the first time.
Previous experience in principal authorities as project manager, communications etc. LLB Graduate. Previous town councillor and mayor (at different parish).

Precept of at least 750,000. Team of 15 to manage. Separate RFO.

Any one got any first day/week/month advice and actions/tips/tricks?
by (140 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Speak personally to every councillor and every member of staff in the first couple of days.
by (12.0k points)
0 votes
No advice based on experience, but spend your initial couple of weeks observing how the place works, who does what & where you will slot into the workforce. I assume there will be a handover period for you to become familiar with your colleagues and their way of doing things?
Good luck.
by (310 points)
0 votes
As a disillusioned ex Councillor I would suggest that any clerk and Councillors should spend time actually talk to one another and most importantly understand your respective roles.  There is currently so much discord between clerks and Councillors in some PCs that nobody wants to become a Councillor .  Both sides seems to forget that ultimately you both have only one customer viz the electorate. This "accountability" has been forgotten in many PCs so much so once you lose sight of that I believe the PC is doomed.
by (5.5k points)

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