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A vacancy has arisen on a parish council due to a resignation and an election has been requested. The local authority is waiting for other elections to be called to run them concurrently. They have waited so long for the first one that it is not possible to legally hold the election within 60 calendar days of it being requested. The local authority is arguing that the deadline is 60 working days, not 60 calendar days. The Local Government Act 1972 just says the election has to be held no more than "60 days" from being requested. Is the 60 days calendar days or clear days?
by (490 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Upon receipt of a valid request to hold an election, you must fix a date for polling day, within 60 working days from the date of the notice of vacancy.

by (8.0k points)
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Thank you, I suspected that would be the answer

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