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Is it normal for a Local Council to have unsigned AGARs?

The Auditor General said he cannot not conclude whether or not the accounts have been approved by Council.

Thank you.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The AGAR must be approved by the Council and signed by Chair and Clerk as appropriate within the timescale specified for each year's audit process.
by (60.2k points)
Thank you.

Seems they failed to do this. There were some errors in this AGAR. They're blaming previous clerk. But I have my doubts. This particular clerk never made errors like that in prevous AGARs.
There is a small part of me wondering if, perhaps, the wrong version of the AGAR was sent to auditors especially if you've had a change of staff?  I only say that because once I did that when I was a clerk as I attached the version which was my draft (it wasn't changed!) by accident rather than the actual signed scanned version.  Auditors questioned it and I had to offer a grovelling apology and a promise to take more care next time.  It's easily done.  However, there should at least be a minute to confirm that the AGAR was reviewed by, accepted and the chair and clerk authorised to sign on behalf of the council.
Thank you for your response. I'm just a resident.

I doubt that's the case. It is mentioned in one of the minutes that they would contact auditor and have the new clerk present the signed AGAR in future. I suspect this was never done.
Unfortunately my local Council are not very transparent.

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