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If the clerk has put a motion on the agenda does it still need a mover and a seconded before it can be debated
by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Motions are proposed by councillors, not officers. The clerk might include an issue on the agenda for which a resolution is required, but the resolution must come from the members of the council.
by (60.2k points)
Yes want I want to no is must c a councillor move the motion and a councillor second the motion put on the agenda by the clerk the same us if a councillor asked for a motion on to be put on the agenda it must be moved and seconded by a councillor our clerk often put item on the agenda like do we want a dog bin somewhere or cut a tree down etc
Model standing orders require the motion to be moved by the person who submitted it and seconded by someone else. As the Clerk can't move a motion, it will need two councillors. Out of interest, what is the motion?
On the grounds that this is heading towards a "the clerk can't put anything on the agenda without being asked by a councillor" comment, sometimes only the clerk will be aware of an issue that needs resolving.    So, for example, if the clerk is aware of a situation and obtains quotes for its resolution a proposal to accept or otherwise the quote(s) would need to be proposed by a councillor and seconded before moving to the vote.  Presumably common sense prevails but maybe I'm being too optimistic here
Why do we call it common sense when it's so rare?
+1 vote
Signficant diference between moving a substantive motion and placing an item on an agenda for discussion (with an officer recomendation which may include the text of potential substantive motion to aid members if they are minded to support it). For arguments sake a Bin needs replacing. "To consider the purchase of 100L Hooded Top Steel Litre Bin for Councillor Q&A Gardens at the Q&A Bandstand". The report will set out the condition of the previous bin (i.e life expired/vandalism/not previously placed their) some commentary about options & associated power to spend evidence of need etc. At that point your not "debating" anything your simply been given a verbal summary of the officer report which members should have read anyway.. The debate really is to buy or not to buy at the price obtained.. which comes after that. Clearly an officer cannot "propose" or "second" anything..
by (10.4k points)

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