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Hi a quick question, we are looking for contractors to cut the hedges and grass areas, we have asked for 3 quotes that I assume is normal practise. We have been supplied with quotes but all of the contact details have been removed from the quotes. We have been told that this is due to GDPR regulations. Is this correct. If so how do we know that these quotes are from bonafide companies.

Many Thanks again
ago by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It depends. Have you used any of them before? If not, have you looked them up online? Companies House? Asked for references from previous clients?
ago by (1.1k points)
I suppose all I need to know is can we accept quotations from companies without contact details. We have not used them before and have no business relationship.
I suppose you can accept quotes from whoever you like, but without doing some due diligance, it would be unwise. I wouldn't be diong it in your position. Have you requested more details from them?
I would expect the clerk to ensure that quotes are requested from legitimate bidders but where things like grass cutting is concerned they may well be individuals or sole traders, depending upon the size of the job.  What should happen is that the bids are judged against agreed criteria (which can be just cost if you wish) and often noted in the public meeting that the quotes are anonymised to avoid bias.  Then when a contract is awarded, the winning company/contractor/quote is named for the minutes.  Of course it doesn't just end at that point as the contract terms need to be clarified and perhaps a trial period established so that you can cancel it if the work isn't up to standard.
0 votes
GDPR regulations relate to personal data. They do not apply to non personal data. So if the quotes are coming from a company then GDPR does not apply as there is no personal data. If they are coming from a one man band sole trader then they will apply.

However, one of the lawful purposes under GDPR is legitimate interest. I would say that it is a legitimate interest for councillors to able to see who quotes are coming from (or else a dodgy clerk could hand out work to mates). Fraud prevention is explicitly stated in the regulations as a legitimate interest.
ago by (7.3k points)

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